
The Midnight Snack


In my attempt to gain some weight (be it healthy or unhealthy), I have been eating either supper or a midnight snack conscientiously - but to no avail.

To be precise, I have been eating a lot of Pringles lately. That's because Pringles has come up with different sorts of interesting flavors that really tempts and excite my taste-buds.

So far, I have tried Seaweed flavor, Salt and Pepper flavor, and I just bought a can of GRILLED SHRIMP flavored pringles. There are however, more flavors such as Soft-shell crab, which in dear's opinion, tastes queer because chips and seafood just don't mix.

Any how, I don't know about you guys, but I personally like the Seaweed flavored pringles the most. It's salty, tasty, and crispy, so do give it a try some time! :)

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