"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self." — Cyril Connolly
I remembered this quote vividly while watching a particular episode of Criminal Minds. Somehow, it stuck in my head for a while and I soon stored it into my brain's cabinet of "Quotes To Use Next Time".
So recently, I read an article about a bunch of students who broke into their school, stole a "stop" sign, and blogged about it. Here's a snippet from the article:
In their blog, the student said that he "illegally entered" his school compound last Wednesday at about 9pm.
They bragged that they were smart enough to avoid all the security cameras. That same night, they also broke into their primary school.
They also stole a 'stop' sign from the carpark of their secondary school, and moved it "far away" within the nearby housing estate.
They even took a photo with the sign, as a souvenir.
According to his blog, he and his friends also played other pranks, including lying underneath MRT seats, climbing up the escalator handrails, and onto tables at food courts.
It really makes me wonder how foolish can one get. Don't these students understand that blogs are read by anyone and everyone? Gosh. I honestly hope that this will be a valuable lesson for them, as well as a reminder for all bloggers out there to mind what we say.
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