Now that sent some goosebumps down my spine because I never knew that anyone other than my friends will read my blog - faithfully.
Of course that made me feel good, and allows me to experience a glimpse of how famous bloggers feel when people recognize them (haha!).
But above all, it really encourages and reassures me that I'm been blogging healthily when I receive emails from strangers regarding my blog, or msn messages from my friends to thank me about how certain entries minister to them etc. It even surprises me sometime when I meet up with long lost friends and they tell me that they read my blog too!
And so to you who is reading this with a frown and wondering why on earth would anyone like or want to read my blog, I guess you've gotta ask them yourself.
But for you who is reading this and smiling to yourself, I sincerely thank each of you for following my blog all this while. :)
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