However, anniversaries are pretty simple for us.
We usually have an inexpensive meal, followed by taking a walk somewhere, visiting some place, and enjoying each other's company while randomly popping some questions like: Where was the first movie that we watched? What did you give me last year for anniversary etc.
This year was no exception. We had dinner at Cafe Cartel because I was craving for St Louis Pork Ribs. Any how, I'd rather pay a cheaper price for quantity than to splurge on quality food, which I wouldn't know how to appreciate anyway.
Coincidentally, there was a "Porky" promotion as shown above. How timely! So dear chose the Hawaiian Pork Chop while I had the St Louis Pork Ribs.
As usual, I enjoyed the St Louis Pork Ribs. The sweet sauce and tender meat, coupled with fries and mashed potatoes.. YUMMY!
I got to try a little Pork Chop and honestly, I didn't fancy it. The meat was harder as compared to the pork ribs. Still, dear managed to gobble up everything.
After dinner, dear and I were satiated. Bet you can tell from our expressions!
After which, dear and I walked around Tampines Mall and Century Square in search for a pair of heels. I usually don't ask him to shop with me because I shopping has always been my own space and "me" time.
He was very supportive anyway, and accompanied me around. When I finally found a pair of heels that I caught my eye, he paid for it at the cashier and said "Happy anniversary dear!" :)
Well all in all, he purchased 2 shoes as his anniversary gift to me. It's a good buy I reckon, because one pair costs $19.90 and when bought with a second pair, the second pair will only cost $10.00.
Finally, we settled at my place where he crumbled into fatigue after a hard day at work and a heavy dinner.
Though it was a simple celebration, we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.
Love you dear! :D
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