
The 7th Year


So today, dear and I celebrated our anniversary. We've been together for 6 years, and today will be the day where we step into the 7th year of our relationship.

However, anniversaries are pretty simple for us.

We usually have an inexpensive meal, followed by taking a walk somewhere, visiting some place, and enjoying each other's company while randomly popping some questions like: Where was the first movie that we watched? What did you give me last year for anniversary etc.

This year was no exception. We had dinner at Cafe Cartel because I was craving for St Louis Pork Ribs. Any how, I'd rather pay a cheaper price for quantity than to splurge on quality food, which I wouldn't know how to appreciate anyway.

Coincidentally, there was a "Porky" promotion as shown above. How timely! So dear chose the Hawaiian Pork Chop while I had the St Louis Pork Ribs.

As usual, I enjoyed the St Louis Pork Ribs. The sweet sauce and tender meat, coupled with fries and mashed potatoes.. YUMMY!

I got to try a little Pork Chop and honestly, I didn't fancy it. The meat was harder as compared to the pork ribs. Still, dear managed to gobble up everything.

After dinner, dear and I were satiated. Bet you can tell from our expressions!

After which, dear and I walked around Tampines Mall and Century Square in search for a pair of heels. I usually don't ask him to shop with me because I shopping has always been my own space and "me" time.

He was very supportive anyway, and accompanied me around. When I finally found a pair of heels that I caught my eye, he paid for it at the cashier and said "Happy anniversary dear!" :)

Well all in all, he purchased 2 shoes as his anniversary gift to me. It's a good buy I reckon, because one pair costs $19.90 and when bought with a second pair, the second pair will only cost $10.00.

Finally, we settled at my place where he crumbled into fatigue after a hard day at work and a heavy dinner.

Though it was a simple celebration, we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.

Love you dear! :D

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