
The One About Dates


A few days ago, I asked dear if he knew what today (Monday) was. It was a little test to see if he remembered our anniversary, which falls on 1st December.

"Of course I remembered," He replied with ultimate cheekiness and a wide grin.

"Really? What is it then?" I asked mischievously.

"Why must I tell you? For all I know you have no idea what day it is that's why you asked me", he replied this time with deeper conviction and confidence.

So the conversation went back and forth, with neither of us spilling the beans of what today was. But I guess deep in our hearts, we remembered.

Yesterday however, I realized that today (Monday) was actually 30th November and not 1st December!

Dear quickly realized this when I mentioned this mistake aloud. And before I could react to my silly mix up of dates, he exclaimed "Aha! See! I didn't reply you the other time because I knew that tomorrow (Monday) wasn't our anniversary. It's on Tuesday!"

Amazing how this guy can disprove all the other theories and notions about men always forgetting important dates.

Though I sat beside him feeling a little ashamed at my little mistake, I was very proud that he remembers these important dates better than I do. :)

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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