
Welcome Party '09


Instead our usual youth service, the Detonate Youth Ministry had a Welcome Party for all our friends and/or newcomers that attended our 3:16 event last week.

It was a light-hearted and fun time, especially when everyone was enjoying themselves during the games.

Alex and Esther doing a forfeit by spelling the word DINOSAUR with their butts.

Another forfeit where Eric had to sign his autograph on Jaslyn's feet. Not sure who is the one suffering more, but Jaslyn sure looks really ticklish!

Moving on to the next game - The human Tic Tac Toe. We were split into 4 teams, and each person in a team was given a number (from 1 to 8). When a number is shouted out, the person who is given that number will run out from each team and try to fill up the Tic Tac Toe box. The group who completes the first straight line wins.

As you can see, we had such a great time with the games, the fellowship, and the whole atmosphere was just filled with laughter and fun. Dorena especially, had a great time.

The last game was our Youths current favorite game - Taboo. Teams were played against each time, but with a balloon behind the "describer's" back. When time was up, Eric and Amos would burst the balloon.

Haha! Everyone is putting their heart and MIND especially to guessing the word. If you notice, the balloons are pretty big. Courage is definitely needed this time round.

What's a party without food? Thanks to Meiling and team for preparing a big spread of food consisting of Pizzas, Chicken Wings, Turkey, Ham, Spaghetti, Mushroom Soup etc..

Before the party came to a close, we celebrated the birthdays of all the December babies. Michelle was dying to cut the cake and have her share. Haha!

Hmm. I think we should this more often. :D

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