
CCIS 201209


CCIS - an abbreviation for Celebrating Christmas in Singapore, is an annual event that aims to share the real meaning of Christmas – The Birth of Jesus Christ.

It is a voluntary event, where many church groups or other performance groups present an item be it a dance, songs, or skit etc.

For CCIS this year, our detonate band presented a performance of Christmas Carols in hope to spread the Christmas cheer and share the reason of the season as well.

The band - (From left to right) Alex, Ken, Esther, Pastor Alfred, Pastor Joyce, Michelle, Myself, Dear, Zen

Since the 2 performance groups before us backed out, we went to our performance venue - TANGS to set up earlier.

I must clarify, that this isn't a smug look haha. In fact I was pretty overwhelmed by the crowd, and of course, the butterflies in my stomach.

A jamming session before our performance start. Loved how the TANGS backdrop and decor made everything so glam.

Finally, it was time to perform! So exciting! So many people! WOW!

At this time, I would really like to thank the church members and friends who came to support us. Your "RARAH-NESS", singing, and mild dancing really boosted our morale. Thank you!

Here's dear and I, battered with exhaustion but beaming with glee because it was quite a success considering the fact that this was our band's first public performance.

Any how, we will be performing on Tuesday (22nd December 2009) at 7:30pm outside Wisma Atria! Do drop by and support us!

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