
International Kite Day


Dear, myself, and our friends celebrated International Kite Day on Sunday, by attending a kite carnival jointly organised by Singapore Kite Association, Punggol North CSC, Punggol North RCs, Sengakang Neighbourhood Police Centre and Social Innovation Park.

When we arrived at the carnival which was located at Punggol Field Walk, we were welcomed by different kinds of kites in the sky. It was so beautiful to see big kites, small kites, colorful kites, decorate the blue sky like some kind of mosaic art.

The guys were pretty intrigued by the kites that were sold in the carnival. Dear for one, was eyeing on this really huge falcon kite.

Soon, we settled down in the field and began to fly our kites. I was quite disappointed that Penguin couldn't fly his best because of the lack of winds.

After a few failed attempts, we finally moved over to our usual spot at the other Punggol Field that we usually go. Aha! There was so much winds and it was less crowded!

CS even bought himself a 500M reel. Look how happy he is! (Note how big his reel is compared to ours!)

Within 5 to 10 minutes, our kites were soaring in the skies and the guys were just chilling out while I was.. err.. taking photos.

What a way to cool ourselves down − Durian Ice Cream!

Unfortunately, our Penguin kite flew away because some idiot's kite line was rubbing against ours. And because of friction, the line broke and Penguin was seen floating higher, and further..

I was so helpless, so overwhelmed with loss, that it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

I guess it's time for kite shopping soon. :(

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