
Different Pathways


I was chatting with a friend over MSN and got to know a bit of his life story; of how he, like myself, bumped around in life and became where he is today.

And through our conversation, I realized that while most students in Singapore take the conventional path of getting into local university, people like me take the unconventional path of going into private universities in hope to get a second chance. It's not as if we want to, but we really don't have a choice. We are those who for some reason, achieved academic results that were below the standard.

It used to bug me a lot, and I often dwell in self loathing and regret. But as much as I know that I can turn back the clock, I've become more acceptive of the fact that hey, I might be on an unconventional path, but I still get there somehow.

So talking to my friend and hearing his life story was really reassuring and comforting. Indeed, each of us travel on different paths, different routes. But no matter if it's a highway or a winding path, it's the people we meet, the experience we've gathered, and the bumps or scenery along the way that make the journey a fulfilling and enriching one.

P/s: If you're reading this, you know who you are. Thank you for sharing your life story with me!

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