
Geeks At Work


Yesterday as I was busy working and reply emails, I couldn't help but listen to the conversation between my boyfriend and our colleague.

As they were rattling on about IT stuff, I found myself frowning in attempt to decipher the contents of their conversation. Well, I know I am IT Savvy, but I felt like a complete idiot there and then because they were literally speaking in geek language.

So after several failed attempts of deciphering, I sank into my chair and looked at them with a straight face. Honestly, I don't know whether I should smile or frown because, I do admit that I've always had a thing for intelligent, brainy, smarty-pants, and looking at two geeks (especially one of them being my boyfriend) conversing should make my heart skip a beat. But come on, feeling like an idiot because I do not understand what they are saying sure makes me feel like frowning.

Then again, looking at my boyfriend getting all passionate, comfortable and familiar at the topic of servers, computers, systems, and especially motorcycles made me very thankful and relieved that these 'boyish' and 'geekish' things stir his interest instead of other stuff. (Girls, you get what I mean).

So yes, a big sigh of relief for me! :)

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