
The Christmas Walk


For all these years in my life, I have really no recollection when was the last time I walked down the roads of Orchard, and enjoying the pretty lights and decorations that has been put up for Christmas annually.

Finally, I did so today with dear. Honestly, it wasn't a deliberate intention to specially see the lights and decorations. In fact, we didn't notice it until we saw many people whopping out their cameras and busy snapping away!

So, I decided to take this time to take some pictures of the pretty lights and fancy Christmas decorations!
Pretty lights but lo behold! An ERP gantry awaits your vehicle behind this banner of lights. Merry Christmas on that banner simply means "Ho Ho Ho! $1 just went to ERP!"

I've always wanted my own Christmas tree, and since I still don't have one, this is my temporary one - found just outside Borders.

Ha ha! Looks like the boy figurine at that back of dear wants to give a big whack on dear's head!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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