
Christmas Came Early


You know when someone wants something, they whine, they rant, they talk about it non stop?

Such is with dear when he wanted a pair of gloves to shield his precious fingers from painful raindrops and unpredictable hits of little pebbles and stones while riding on the road.

However, the price was a turnoff even when it was cheaper than the Esprit Jacket that he bought for me! So since he really wanted it so badly, I decided to give him a little surprise by buying this pair of gloves (that he was interested in) for him!

Ha you should have seen the look on his face when he saw it! Flabbergasted, shocked, jaw-dropping, brow-raising.. that look of happiness and joy, PRICELESS.

So it seems that Christmas came early this year, since both dear and I 'exchanged' our Christmas presents already! Or perhaps, this is just a prelude to an entire Christmas festival of presents, joy and love.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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