
Rabbit Orientation: Hayball


Each time I walk past Mocha's cage, I never fail to peep in to see what it is doing. (Till now I have no idea what gender it is!)

Most of the time, it is either sitting at the corner, staring at people, with long ears ever so sensitive to its surrounding noise; like a living antenna searching for frequencies, or jumping about the cage, gnawing its teeth through the cage bars to tell us - "I AM HUNGRY! I WANT FOOD!"

Well now it isn't so bad because mom and I let it out frequently for exercise and play time. So I guess it shouldn't be that bored, I think.

But recently while walking past Mocha's cage, I saw Mocha lying at a corner, eyeballing me, and as usual I called it's name, then made funny noises in attempt to 'communicate' with it, but to no avail.

Then at the corner of the eye I saw that empty metal ball hanging on its cage and I thought "Oh boy I haven't filled that up in a while!"

So instinctively I filled it up, with loads of hay.

You see the thing about that metal ball is that: you put the hay in, the metal ball of hay hangs from the top of the cage, and the rabbit is supposed to get on its hind legs and eat the hay from the metal ball. It guess it works as a form of exercise for the rabbit but in Mocha's case, it fails because Mocha is too tall for that metal ball, and once mocha nudges the metal ball, the hay starts falling through the spaces in between the metal ball.

It is frustrating! I don't even know why I did that in the first place! Probably to put that metal ball into good use? Or it didn't cross my mind that the hay will be dropping all over Mocha, turning it into a living HAYBALL!?
Thankfully, Mocha doesn't really care as long as it has food. I have no idea why hay is so important in a rabbit's diet, but I sure know that hay is expensive. I should have been a farmer, and grow my own hay. Then perhaps, Mocha could eat to it's fill!

This is Mocha caught in action of eating and eating and eating.. non stop. Enough of hay, I think it is exercise time!

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