This urge of mine somehow seems to manifest itself and springs in action every time I enter dear's room. So yesterday as I was tidying up dear's desk and putting back items where they should belong, I stumbled upon a 50 dollar bill while opening his desk drawer.
Puzzled as to why he keeps money lying around, I picked up the money and just as I was doing so, a note sprung up from beneath the money and revealed itself.
Seeing that it was the note was scrunched up with words written on it, I unfolded it.
To my surprise, it wrote "SURPRISE! FOR YOU DEAR!"

Cheekily, I dangled the note in front of him and asked what is this about.
Immediately, he replied in what seems like a little shock mixed with a wide grin "Oh! You found it!"
I asked if he meant it to be a reward for cleaning his room all these while, and the possibility of me never finding this 50 dollar bill if I haven't opened his drawer.
He replied "Aiya! While you were having dinner, I wanted to put it in your bag but you ate so fast and came in while I was writing the note, so I quickly scrunched it up and hid it in my drawer." (Explains: He usually eats so fast, leaving me alone on the dinner table to finish my dinner by myself.)
Ha ha :D What a funny way to throw me off guard and tickle my funny bone. And if you were still wondering what the money was for, it was for all the dinner/lunches that I bought for our meals.
.. And I thought that the money was a reward for cleaning his room. If it ever was so, I would be hoping for pockets of money for me to uncover while sweeping the floor or wiping the drawers in his room.. just like a treasure hunt. Hehehe! :)
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