
Nail Art And Tattoos


One of the things that often spring up when I have spare time and when I am enjoying a slow paced day where time moves either really slowly or stays completely still is.... Nail Art.

Despite the fact that I wouldn't hesitate to agree on how Nail Art is really useless for my nails because I make a point to have reeeaaaaallllyyy short nails, I still do it once in a while, just to entertain myself and feel a tingle of femininity for a temporal time.

Since this whole week I have been stuck at home, enjoying myself and resting ALOT, I decided to give my nails a brand new look! So viola! I did it! I even painted my nails a base coat of dark red color which is so totally adventurous and unlike me!

Guess what? Since I couldn't do Nail Art for dear, I decided let him join me in my nail fun mood by putting a Patrick Starfish kids tattoo on his hand! Fortunately, there wasn't any protest and in fact, he chuckled at the sight of it! Teehehe :D

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