
I've Been Tagged!


There is some crazily weird quiz going around and unfortunately, I have been tagged. Well, it is quite fun and interesting to know 10 things about your friend (that you have or have not known) but when you are arrowed to write out 10 things about yourself, the tables are turned.

Ha quite honestly, I wasn't willing to do it at first because I don't see why you should let out stuff about yourself after being tagged by one person. Thing is, I have tagged by more than 1 person and that really makes me feel so obligated to do it! :)

So here goes:

Here are the rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged.

Don’t forget to leave them a comment “You’re It!” and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person who tagged you. Since you can’t tag me back let me know when you’ve posted your blog so I can see your answers.

1. I am an extremely picky and fussy person, especially when it comes to food.
The list of food that I do not eat is never-ending so it would really be better to ask me what I like. In short, it is safe to say that I don't eat food that is black/brown or consume drinks that are white, as wells as food that I have never eaten before.

Well it is because I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and though the food might taste nice and completely normal, I would have a terrible diarrhea just because my intestines and stomach doesn't like it.

2. I have this strange habit of organizing and tidying things up.
Some might say that this is good genes, and if so, I would credit these genes to my mom because she is neat and has a really high standard for cleanliness. However sometimes this habit do get on my nerves, and when I succumb to the natural instinct of cleaning up, I end up doing it on a large scale.

For example before exams, I have this strange tendency to tidy up my desk. In doing so, I end up re-arranging stuff, throwing unwanted things away, packing my clothes, etc etc etc. Hence many times, dear complains that I am like a maid, cleaning up his room and packing his stuff neatly the moment I enter in it.

3. I am embarrassed to say this but I snore and sometimes grind my teeth when I am sleeping.
It's true! My room mates tell me that I snore despite my very big effort in shushing them off and being in total self denial. I remember recently, my parents were sending Sam off in a car and since I was dead beat, I totally knocked out. When I heard myself snoring, I woke up and saw Sam's jaw dropped, followed by what seems like an endless episode of laughing of teasing.

However I am not sure about grinding my teeth because that is what my parents tell me. But dear ex room mates, if I do, please let me know.. discreetly.

4. I don't like the taste of mint.
Yes, I don't eat mint sweets because I simply can't stand the "cool" taste in my mouth, which gets worse when I breathe through my mouth. That is why when I was young, I had a hard time weaning off Kodomo Lion Toothpaste which had different flavours and were not minty at all! I liked the honeydew taste especially! But for now, since most toothpaste are mint in flavour, I only stick with one brand.. Darlie Toothpaste.

5. Like most girls or people, I am Entomophobic.
Basically, insects traumatize me! Sometimes when an insect flies into my room, I would totally freak out and scream "Mummy! Daddy! THERE IS AN INSECT IN MY ROOM!" And if both my parents are not at home and the persistent insect refuses to leave my room, I grab a bath towel or pillow, and stand outside my room so that I can peer in to see the where the insect is.

I guess this fear of insect extrapolated from a particular incident. When I was in primary 6, I remember walking home after Table Tennis training. At that time, I was soaking wet with perspiration. My hair was damped as well, with perspiration and just as I was innocently walking home, I heard a buzzing sound near my ears from what sounded like bees. Being a typical girl I started running and flicking my hair and that was when I felt TWO STINGS on my head. I didn't know what to do. I just kept running home and placing my hands on my head, crying and feeling extremely traumatized. Thankfully my neighbor sent me to the clinic to get some injections in case I was allergic to stings.

Sigh. That incident was the turning point in my life, where I begun to be so terrified of insects. In fact till today, I do not even dare to kill mosquitoes! Yes, that is how bad it is :(

6. I cannot live without my handphone, concealer, tissue paper, contact lens and coffee.
My friend once saw me without concealer and contact lens and he couldn't recognize me! When he finally did, he was stunned and yelped "You look so different!" I rolled my eyes and retorted.

As for tissue paper, I need it everyday! Gosh you should see how easily I pull out pieces of tissue paper at one go and throw them into the bin without even using it fully! Blame it on that fact that I have Sinus so when I wake up each morning, you would hear a train of "AH-CHOOS!"

Without my handphone, I feel insecure. That boils down to irrational fears such as "What if something happened to me and I don't have a phone to call for help? Or what if something happens to my family and I can't be there?" So I charge my phone regularly, albeit the fact that it might spoil my battery health.

Now for coffee, it is my love, my everyday need, my drug, my life! I get cranky without it, and with it, it just makes me functional. So I guess this wouldn't be an addiction, considering that I have only 1 cup of coffee for most days?

7. When I leave home, I need to bring along my bag of 'stuff'
I really admire people who can just stuff their wallet and handphone in their jeans and leave the house without carrying anything. For me, no way. I need to bring a bag so that I can stuff in my jacket, my really huge foldable umbrella, a water bottle, an extra camera battery, etc etc.. Without all these, I feel really uneasy. What if it rains? Or I catch a movie and the theatre is freezing? What if my eyes are painful from my contact lens? You get my drift :D

8. I am intolerable with commuters who lean on the poles in MRT.
No I won't give them face. Why should they hog the pole and lean their whole body weight on it, leaving their perspiration behind and leaving other commuters without any support to hold on to?

Once, I was standing beside this lady who was leaning on the pole despite the fact that my hand was already holding on to it. I was so mad, I grabbed somewhat like 2 or 3 hairs from her head (without her knowing) and held on to it lightly. When she had to alight from the train, the hairs on my hand were yanked out from her head and she turned back, only to realize that she was leaning on my hand all the long! I know I am a mean, but really, these people have really no social graces!

9. I have this weird problem when I wake up from my sleep.
No matter where I am, or what time it is, I sneeze uncontrollably when I wake up from my sleep. I have no idea why! I would like to think that it is part of my Sinus problem or some pressure issue in my ears. Till now, I have yet to find out why and so, please prepare lots of tissue packets when you are out with me!

10. I don't like to wear T-shirts.
Probably because my shoulders are wider than the width of my body so it is hard to find T shirts that are slim fitting. That is why I have lots of T shirts stacked at home which I have not worn. Anyone interested? I can sell it to you really cheap :)

Now that you know my 10 little 'secrets', it is time these people start getting their list ready:
1. Jeslyn
2. Elmo
3. Siyuan
4. Liji
5. Jia Ling
6. Melanie
7. Meldred
8. Jaslyn
9. Sarah
10. Isaiah

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