
爷爷 Birthday 2009


Every year when my Grandfather turns a year older, he would host a big birthday bash at a Vegetarian Restaurant and invite his loved ones, friends and relatives.

Incidentally, the restaurant is located in the Trengganu Lane, some sort like the heart of Chinatown. So since the Chinese New Year festival is still on, you bet Chinatown was in packed with people, parades with floats and different kinds of performances and shops stacked with New Year goodies and laid with New Year clothes!

To be honest, I intended to visit Chinatown this year because I thought that since we always adore the Christmas decoration in Orchard Road during Christmas, shouldn't we do the same at Chinatown during Chinese New Year? Unfortunately, dear hates crowds and the humid weather.

But this time round, I did it without him! I walked through the streets of Chinatown to the location of the restaurant with dad leading the way. It was really exhilarating to breathe in the Chinese New Year mood! :D

Walking through the crowds of people is no joke. I can imagine how a little kid would get lost if he or she didn't hold mummy's hand. Anyway, try to spot dad!

Oriental buildings with structures and furnishings of the old Chinatown. Reminiscence!

At Chinatown, you can hardly miss the Chinese New Year decoration such as the one above. 2 Lion Dance figures with Chinese Characters and bright lights!

Finally, we arrived at the restaurant and we were both greeted by these 2 bobbling head figures. Haha! Turned out to be that the restaurant was holding 2 concurrent events - My grandfather's birthday and a Chinese New Year celebration by another organization.

Look! The restaurant was crowded and packed in fact!

Then the lion dance troupe came, in which one of them is my uncle!

Those are my grandparents in the middle!
At about 8:30pm, the food finally came. For appetizers, Longetivy Peach Buns with Lotus Paste.

Cold dish. Bear in mind, it's a Vegetarian Restaurant!

Tastes like Crispy Chicken With Cornflakes

Mushrooms and Vegetables

Yam with Cashew Nuts and 'Pork'

More Vegetables and Mushrooms

Stir-fried Noodles

For dessert, we had some Fungi soup with lotus seeds

It ended about 10 plus and we finally left for home. I guess it'll probably be the same next year :D

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