
Happy Without


Sometimes when I am bored while taking the MRT on the long journey home, I would look for things to read, play with the games downloaded in my iPhone, observe people around me, or sleep.

On a particular day some time ago, I was on the train home and I was really restless and bored. So I ransacked my bag and found a past edition of Our Daily Bread. I started flipping the pages, reading through each article one by one when I stumbled across this article which blessed my heart and ministered to my soul.

Inspired, I've decided to share with you all how this means something to me, and I hope it means something to you :)

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (469 -399 BC) believed that if you are truly wise you will not be obsessed with possessions. Practicing to an extreme what he preached, he even refused to wear shoes.

Socrates loved to visit the market place, though, and gaze with admiration at the great abundance of wares on display. When a friend asked why he was so allured, he replied, "I love to go there and discover how many things I am perfectly happy without."

That type of attitude runs counter to the commercial messages that continually bombard our eyes and ears. Advertisers spend millions to tell us about all the latest products that we can't be happy without.

The apostle Paul advised his spiritual son Timothy, "Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content" (1 Timothy 6:6-8). If we become enamored with things, Paul warned, we may wander from the faith and be pierced with the pangs of frustrated desire (vs 9-10)

Let's ask ourselves, "What am I truly happy without?" The answer will reveal much about our relationship with the Lord and our contentment with Him.

Truly, we live in an era and society where materialism is so heavily pursued. Often on our lips we sigh at the things we would be happy with. "If I had that car, I would be thrilled!" or "If only I had that handphone!"

But this article reminds us of how having the latest gadgets of Technology, branded goods, or newest automobile should not be our source of joy. In fact, we should gain contentment from things we already have, and better still, things we do not have.

I hope this sets straight some perspective and mindsets of how sometimes the richest person in the world might the poorest, and how the poorest person in the world might be the richest. It all lies in the heart of thanksgiving, an attitude or contentment, and a perspective set on things that are eternal.

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