
Happy Finds


Usually after an exam or test is done or when I am really in a good mood, I go for some retail therapy.. with real money that is!

Yesterday, I was filled with merriment, gaiety and joy for no apparent reason and hence, I decided to patronize the shopping malls of Tampines after my exam.

Remember the Crocs Prima Shoes that I bought sometime last month? I managed to find alphabet studs to fill up the holes on my shoes! I couldn't get G-R-A-C-E and L-E-O-N-G on each shoe because the alphabets come in pairs :(

Price: $2.95 for a set of alphabets.
Promotion: 3 sets for $6
Store: Mini Toons
Then I walked through the shelves of Isetan when I spotted this really cute and classy bag. Well I wouldn't say it's really classy but it has this casual feminine cool factor. Gosh I don't know what I'm saying.

Price: $39.90
Store: Isetan

Ps: There is a smaller one for $33.90 but I guess it's more worth it to pay $6 more and have more space for more things hehe!

Last but not least, these shirts that cost some what like 20 times cheaper than the authentic ones. Ha ha you know me, cheapskate and all. Anyway the shirts are not meant to be couple T-shirts, but since I got one for dear and myself.. oh what the heck!

Price: $10 each
Store: Pushcart At Tampines Interchange

Ps: This pushcart sells lots of Baby Milo T-shirts that look really genuine. Comes with Baby Milo and Spongebob, Baby Milo and Mario, Baby Milo, Baby Milo and Hello Kitty :)

Well it sure feels good to spend some money and pamper myself once in a while! :D

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