I have been a devout coffee junkie since my early teenage years.
Admittedly, I drank 2 to 3 cups a day especially during my secondary school and college days.
Now, just a cup of java in the morning to kick start my genes would suffice. Failing to do so would say, result in really unexpected reactions; most of which include irritability, scowling, fatigue, and the lack of mood to even make simple choices.
So to play safe, I drink my cup of Nescafe 3-in-1 Rich Coffee religiously every morning.
However in the interest of my health, people have been warning me about the disadvantages of caffeine, in hope that I would drink less and if possibly, totally quit drinking.
That's not possible really, because coffee unlike smoking which is equally addictive, has advantages that blow my mind away.
Some recent discoveries about caffeine:
Caffeine stops hair loss and treats baldness
A new research has shown that that caffeine can induce hair growth proliferation of human hair follicles published by the prestigious "International journal of dermatology" in 2007. This is achieved by blocking the hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) produced by the male hormone testosterone. The hormone is considered to destroy hair follicles in hereditary hair loss or pattern baldness. Read more..
Caffeine may kill some skin cancer cells
Several studies have shown that people who regularly drink coffee or tea seem to have lower incidences of nonmelanoma skin cancers. One recent study of more than 90,000 Caucasian women found that with each additional cup of caffeinated coffee consumed, there was an associated 5 percent decreased risk of developing one of these skin cancers (decaf coffee had no effect). Read more..Caffeine reduces the risk of Alzheimer's Disease
An earlier study in humans hinted that caffeine was protective against Alzheimer’s disease by showing that Alzheimer’s patients consumed markedly less caffeine during the 20 years preceding disease diagnosis compared with age-matched individuals without Alzheimer’s disease. Read more..Amazed? You bet I am. But of course, I wouldn't use any of the reasons above as excuses to increase my coffee intake because I believe in moderation albeit my love for coffee :)
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