


Part of Ruby's cleaning routine is for me to pick him up with both hands; one supporting his bum and another hand supporting his chest. After which, I will take a wet cloth and wipe his limbs, as well as his chest area.

Today, I did exactly the same cleaning routine just like any other day. I picked him up with both hands, gently cuddled him and started to wipe.

Little did I know, this little guy started struggling and thrashing his legs and hands in the air!

I for one, was scared and panicking but couldn't let go of him because I was standing up and doing so would let Ruby fall to his death.

So in the process of his struggle and thrashing, his nails dug into my skin and left and awful lot of scratches.

Gently and steadily, I knelt down to the ground and let him off.

Gosh it was scary, both for me and him! I guess I won't be picking him up for some time :(

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