
Fishing: Trip #4


Unlike the usual, I was more excited in looking forward to the fishing trip this time round because we will be trying out a new boatman with a bigger and better boat, and going further out in the sea in hope to catch bigger fishes.

So we arrived at SAF Yacht Club after a quick hearty breakfast at Changi Village. Arriving at the docks, I was in awe of the sight before me - the yachts and sailboats berthed neatly, the quiet waters, the sun penetrating through the thick clouds. Gosh, it was just so nice and tranquil!

The reflection of the sky on the still swimming pool.

Leading to the docks.

Yachts and sailboats berthed neatly.

Leaving SAF Yacht Club

Our first catch: Baby shark!

Second catch: Catfish!

Third catch: Eel!

And was is how long the eel is!

All in all, we didn't catch much fish and most of the time, some of us were just puking and/or controlling ourselves from barfing. The waves were pretty bad and choppy, and it wasn't the usual rocking sensation from left to right. It was like: up. Down. Left. Up. Right. Right up. Down. Left.

It is through these experiences that made all of us appreciate our regular boatman more. Any how, looks like we will be on a fishing sabbatical for quite some time. :(

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