Yesterday, I mentioned about many episodes of watery poo poo I have been experiencing lately. Today, I found out the causes of it - at least I think so.
In traditional Chinese medicine, loose stools, abdominal bloating, lack of energy, and poor appetite are signs of a condition known as spleen qi deficiency. It doesn't necessarily involve your actual spleen, but it is a condition of general tiredness and weak digestion brought on by stress and poor diet.
Other symptoms of spleen qi deficiency are:
- easy bruising
- mentally foggy
- bloating, gas, loose stools
- fatigue
- poor appetite
- loose stools with little odor
- symptoms are worse with stress
- undigested food in the stools
- difficulty ending the bowel movement
Spleen qi deficiency is thought to be brought on by stress and overwork. However, diet can worsen spleen qi deficiency, specifically eating too many foods that are believed to cause cold and dampness in the body:
- fried or greasy foods
- dairy
- raw fruits and vegetables
- cold drinks
Aha! Looks like I should indulge relax more, eat more warm and hot stuff and it will pretty much go away. At least now, I my mind is at ease :)
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