
The Heavenly Man


I had a chance to attend The Heavenly Man evangelistic meeting which was held by Seed Ministries in conjunction with several other churches on Thursday night at DBS auditorium.

The Heavenly Man is the remarkable and dramatic autobiography of one of China's dedicated, courageous, and intensely persecuted house church leaders, Brother Yun.

Yun is a Chinese preacher and evangelist whose life has been filled with difficulties and miracles, because of his intense desire to reach China with the gospel. He is a leader of the "Back to Jerusalem Movement" which seeks to disperse thousands of missionaries out of China and into the un-reached countries of the world—most of which geographically exist between China and Israel. Brother Yun travels widely from his current base in Germany, and is married to Deling and has two children.

Since I had lots of time to kill after school, I arrived at the DBS auditorium much earlier than expected. So I sat around, watched how people began to coordinate the different logistics. That was when I was asked to be a second keyboardist since there was an extra piano around.

I was pretty shocked about this ad-hoc arrangement because I didn't go for any music practice prior to this event. Nonetheless, I went for it and I thank God that everything went on well!

All in all, I was blessed by the testimony and life of Brother Yun (The Heavenly Man). What he went through for the sake of Christ brought me thinking about how believers in Singapore are so blessed that sometimes, we take our religion and faith for granted.

Well, Brother Yun had certainly reminded me of the reality of being a Christian outside the boundaries of Singapore, and how true and real our God is.

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