
Mr. Tall


About a month ago, I stumbled upon my ex-colleague's Facebook profile and when I realized that she was looking for a Part Timer from her Facebook status, I dropped her an email indicating my interest in the job without any hesitation.

Soon, she called and gave me the job description, job scope, pay rate and so on. I listened intently, checked my school schedule, and realized that the job would be a perfect fit because she only requires me to work 3 mornings a week, which is completely manageable since my classes are all in the afternoon. Further more, I am familiar with her and some of the other colleagues in the company so it does makes a lot of things easier. Oh did I mention that it is a good company and a good pay? :D

So today, I started my first day at work and gosh, I was about 10 minutes late because I couldn't find the building amongst the rest of the tall skyscrapers. When I finally found it, I realized that well, the building doesn't have a name. Not sure if that was intentional but if it really was, then I think it would be quite silly to name a building 63 Market Street.

Anyway, I reached the office and met up with my ex-colleague which is now my current employer. She then gave me a quick tour of the office and an orientation of my job responsibilities. Unfortunately, my machine wasn't ready because the Human Resource folks screwed up and as a result, my first day at work was boring, unproductive, inefficient, and ineffective. There is some comfort for me though, when I realized that there are nice tasty biscuits in the pantry, a large bowl of apples (free and edible), and a vending machine with lots of beverage choices which dispenses FREE drinks. Ok I think I sound like a typical kiasu Singaporean.

Any how, it was lunch time for me at 11:22 am and boy was it pathetic because I had to eat alone. To make things worse, I didn't have any appetite because the Curry Puff I had for breakfast didn't digest fast enough. Still, I resolved that I should not waste my lunch hour away, so I ordered the cheapest meal I could find - A plate of Nasi Lemak for $2.50.

Since I was alone at lunch, there wasn't anyone to talk to and so I ended up observing the lunch crowd. While I was doing so, my eyes were quickly drawn to a really tall man as shown in the picture above. I'm not sure how tall he is (and I didn't ask), but I do know that the guy that was standing beside him in both pictures is about the height of an average male - 1.70 to 1.80m. If that's the case, I figured that Mr. Tall would probably be about 2.20 to 2.30m?

So you can imagine that I was staring at Mr. Tall the whole time I was eating. At least his height became the centre of attraction that no one really noticed a lady eating a plate of Nasi Lemak all by herself amongst the lunch crowd.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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