
Super Girlfriends


In the past, women were treated as the weaker sex and the home-makers, and as such, their voices were kept silent, they had no freedom of speech and expression. What a far cry from the women in our society today.

Women, especially girlfriends and wives, play multiple roles in society today. They work, they take care of the house, and for wives, they take care of the children. Not to put the men in the negative light, but women these days are really noble. They seem to have the incredible strength and skill to multi-task and juggle between so many things - Work, home and children. Like that's not hard enough, they seem to be able to perform other roles for their husbands or boyfriends too.

What roles you might think? Simple. Boyfriends or husbands can attest to the hundreds (or thousands) of times when their girlfriends or wives remind them of an event or a task, or how a girlfriend or wife so willingly takes care of them when they are sick. Even the most simple task like buying lunch or cooking dinner are roles that we girlfriends or wives play.

Then again, this isn't true for all girlfriends or wives. I personally know of some that has zero knowledge about housework, are self-absorbed, and spends whatever allowance she has on branded stuff.

So it brings me to ask all guys out there: "What is your ideal girlfriend/wife?" Well last time, taking care of the house and children would suffice. Now it seems to me that we ladies need to step up and juggle more balls than our hands can carry.

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