
Retail Therapy 18-09-09


After a lousy day, I'd usually head to the nearest shopping centre to do some retail therapy because that is the time I treasure with myself, and it is indeed the space I need to chill out, let loose of any unhealthy emotions, or simply cheer myself up.

And so it was a really lousy day for me today. The heavy downpour, an unjustified assignment grade, and a disappointment due to unmet expectations just seemed to dampen my mood and cause the grinch in me to emerge.

Fortunately for some retail therapy with my friends at Ion Shopping Centre after school, I was able to cheer up a little. But what made me cheer up the most would be this shopping find that I thought was a good deal!

I bought this bag at the same place that I bought my previous bag as well. Unfortunately the shop doesn't have a name. It is just some stall set up in a gazebo located outside Shaw House.

What I really do like about this bag is its unique design that exuberates a subtle classiness to it. This bag is also able to be carried in 2 ways - on your shoulders with one strap each or simply zip up the 2 straps to become 1 big strap and sling it across your shoulders! For such a stylish bag, it's only worth $25.00. Isn't it a good deal or what? :D

So with this bag, you bet I was instantly in high spirits. Retail therapy is indeed effective! :$

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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