
Flea Finds: 21-06-09


I guess I am one of the more fortunate ones in the Cheapskate Community who has a flea market near my house every month.

But having said so, I do not visit these flea markets every time because usually, dear would drop me off at my block when he sends me home and hence I don't have a chance to walk the usual route home where I would then have to pass by the flea markets.

Yesterday however, he dropped me off at the MRT station because I had to run a few errands. So while walking home, I saw from a distance a stretch of brightly-lit lights and unknowingly, I walked excitedly towards the lights to see what was going on.

When I realized that it was the flea market, I quickly walked home and put down my things so that I would have enough hands to rummage through the piles of clothes that were going at $1 or $2.50 per piece.

True enough, I did manage to find 2 pieces of clothing:

On the left, a bright yellow zebra shirt that is really comfortable and slim-fitting!

For those who know me or have seen me regularly, I'm not a T-shirt person because I look like a hanger if I put on normal T-shirts. And because of the weather, I reckon that tanks tops are easier to slip on than T-shirts.

On the right, a red kimono top that I intend to wear on probably Chinese New Year or Christmas.

Both pieces were bought at $2.50 each. Aren't they cheap and good finds! :)

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