
Botak Jones


This might sound really shocking to some, but I've never eaten Botak Jones in my 21 years of life until today.

Well I've heard of Botak Jones and the food that they serve, but somehow, I've never eaten there because I thought that there is only one Botak Jones stall in Clementi, which is a place where I seldom pass by.

Today however, I realized that there is a Botak Jones outlet in Tampines, and more accurately, it is just a stone's throw away from my house!

Botak Jones
Blk 201C Tampines St 21
Singapore 523201
Phone / Fax: 62600225
Everyday 11:30 am till 10:00 pm (last orders)

So dear, myself and our friends met up for dinner tonight at Botak Jones and for a first timer who has never tried Botak Jones before, I must say that it is sort of like a cousin to Astons. Probably Astons brings about a different feel and vibe because of its ambience. Nonetheless, each has its own forte and for Botak Jones, I'd guess their burgers are their signature dish.

Unfortunately, dear and I didn't order try their burgers because we were too famished and wanted something with a bigger portion that includes side dishes. So he settled for Cajun Chicken and I settled for Black Pepper Chicken. Somehow, we have this silent unanimity that we should never order the same food. Reason is simple. When we order different dishes, we get to try different food and flavors. :)

Since dear was more hungry than I was, he ordered an additional bowl of fries for a $1. That's appetizer for the both of us.

Here's the Cajun Chicken with French Fries and Cheesy Potatoes. I personally think that the cheesy potatoes are wwwaaayyyy too cheesy for my liking. Fries however, are surprisingly large in quantity.

The Black Pepper Chicken I ordered with the same side dishes as dear. Personally, I think the meat is a little too dry and the sauce wasn't able to enhance and complement the chicken. I can vividly remember the taste that lingered in my taste-buds the longest was the black pepper itself. Too peppery, but overall still passable.

Well, I'd be honest here. I think that the food is really average, but the portions are larger than what you find in a usual western stall. So if you are starving and yet on the lookout for something that is cheaper than Cafe Cartel, Botak Jones will be the next best alternative.

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