
Forgive & Forget


Like majority of the human population, I face a problem of "forgiveness" from time to time. It's not easy I must say, especially when the words and actions of others hurt so deep. And even when time has seemingly 'healed' our wounds, the bitterness and anger still lingers.

It is unhealthy, for both the person who has hurt us and especially ourselves (the victim). Trust me, I do have quite some experience in this area. However, I am still guilty because occasionally, the bitterness from a past incident resurfaces and cause me to be judgmental and critical. But that's because I have not exercised forgiveness. Thus if I have forgiven, things would probably be reconciled much earlier, and both parties would probably not experience any tension of awkwardness.

And so recently, one of my friends shared a link to this video regarding forgiveness:

Gosh. Watching it made me tear quite a bit because there is indeed so much power in forgiveness. It might be painful to forgive someone who has wronged you, did you harm, or even said something that hurts.

But like what the video mentioned, forgiving others doesn't change anything. It does however, give us the ability to trust and love, and liberates ourselves from the bondage of bitterness and pain. Having said that,

When deep injury is done to us, we cannot recover until we forgive. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.

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