
Ride Safe 2009


Dear and I attended Ride Safe 2009 - an event organized by Bukit Batok Driving Centre (BBDC) to promote road safety for motorcyclists.

We first met up at NTU for a briefing before convoying with the NTU Riders to BBDC.

After the briefing, we loitered around the bikes since there was ample of time.

The BBDC instructors who briefed us and led us for the convoy ride.

Since BBDC posponed the programme to 10:30am, we decided to have a quick breakfast at the nearby NTU Canteen.

The bikes were lined up in front of the canteen, ready to park.

Time to move off to BBDC. Dear's busy putting on his gloves.

 While travelling on the expressway, I managed to take some shots of the convoy.

We finally arrived at BBDC. Bikes of different organizations and groups were parked at designated places.

We then walked around BBDC and was saw that there were a few booths set up and a tentage where some of the motorcyclists were already seated.

Dear decided to try out the CB1300, and as you can see, he looks pretty happy.

At about 11:15am or so, the VIP (I'm not quite sure what's his name) arrives.

Dear and I enjoying ourselves despite the humid and erratic weather.

After all the talks, speeches and other performances, it was finally time for all the riders to convoy ride around the BBDC circuit.

Riders eagerly waiting for the convoy ride to start. Doesn't help when the VIP is taking his own sweet time to look through the booths while everyone's waiting for him to commence the flag off ceremony.

Finally, he comes and commences the flags off ceremony.

After lunch, I decided to head to one of the booths to try out the CB400 Revo. Hmm. Pretty cool. Quite surprised that I could upright it from the side stand as well.

Dear and friends decided to try the Skid Pan Training as well. It was basically an activity that allows you to try out how to manage the car while cornering at speeds ranging from 20km/h to 30km/h. I was in the backseat, and there were moments when my heart was in my throat. Haha!

Found this picture so amusing because the BBDC Instructors look absolutely hilarious and cute in thoe kiddy bikes.

Dear waiting for his turn to try the Narrow Plank.

Unfortunately, it was a long queue because there was a competition, where the person who stays the longest on the plank wins.

After the competition, dear and friends decided to try out the plank when no one's watching.

Personally my favorite shot of dear riding so far. Love the motion blur!

To be honest, it was quite a disappointing event actually. And especially with the humid weather and all, it surely dampened our mood.

Well, the only comforting thing were the goody bags I guess.

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