
Things We Secretly Love


I was reading April's blog where she posted about several things that guys secretly love about their girlfriends. Curious, I asked dear the same question and here's his reply:

1. Buy me food
2. Get me water
3. Help me arrange my stuff so that they are neater
4. Make me comfortable
5. Being with me

Well he listed much more, but the rest of the details were just too personal to be shared. :)

So I guess now that he has told me, it isn't a 'secret' anymore!

Anyway, here are some of the things that I secretly love about him too:

1. Picking me up and sending me around
2. Asking me for advice (even for the smallest decision)
3. Surprise hugs
4. Involving me in everything
5. When he laughs with me
6. When he reads my blog

Oh well, I hope his reads this later. :$

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