It was something that was on my mind, and something that I was excited about because it would be a refreshing change.
But more importantly, I made this decision because ever since I've kept long hair, my hair has been dropping (more than it was growing). In addition, long hair causes major tangles when I'm riding with dear and I felt that my hair was limp and lifeless when it was long.
Hence I was convinced and motivated to cut my hair.
So yesterday, I went to QB House at Tiong Bahru to cut my hair. I didn't tell dear because I wanted to surprise him with my new look.
Anyway, I came prepared this time round. Instead of telling the hair dresser what I wanted, I simply showed her a picture of a particular hair style and said "I want this with long fringe." And I was glad I did, because it turned out pretty well; or so I thought.
Best of all, dear liked it. Very. Much. :D
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