
Too Fast Too Soon?


At my age, most of my friends are studying in local universities or studying abroad, and I sometimes wonder about the possibilities of my life if I didn't screw up my A levels. But hey, there's no turning back in time, and there's no point crying over spilt milk. I've been through that point in my life and I'm past that now.

However it seems that God has indeed a sense of humor - how He has a plan for me in other areas e.g. Job opportunities and other responsibilities. And sometimes when I sit back and look at my life and reflect upon what I'm doing, I can't help but feel that I'm growing old prematurely.

Well, that's because apart from physical deterioration (which I guess there's nothing much I can do), I feel that I've been making very big and important choices and decisions so far - choices that majority of my friends wouldn't make, choices that set me on a path less threaded upon, choices that will affect my future.

And so, sometimes I wonder if I'm growing up too fast too soon. After all, I'm only 21, and should probably be doing what the rest of my friends are doing - partying, schooling, and enjoying life in its fullness.

Oh well, I guess I'm just unconventional. Hmmm...

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