
Funny Booty


As I had some time to kill before the movie AVATAR start, I decided to walk around Marina Square to do some window shopping, while dear and our friend - CS continued their iPhone and bike talk at Starbucks.

So I was just walking past different shops, looking around, and as I walked past a shoe shop, my eyes suddenly glanced upon this queer looking boot.

Funny boots - $35.00 (u.p $50.00)

I thought it actually looked quite funny and interesting; like some sort of Eskimo boot or like what dear said ".. a doll shoe."

However I was quite afraid to wear it the next day, in fear that it might not fit with the fashion trend or might even stick out like a sore thumb.

But lo and behold, I got pretty good comments about my new boots and it made me feel really good. Well, at least my fashion sense is reassured.

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