
18 Feb 2010: Kuantan


After we've explored the town of Mersing, we realized that there's indeed nothing else to do or see; unless we take a ferry to the nearby islands.

So dear decided to head down to Kuantan, which was about another 250KM up north. I agreed spontaneously!

Immediately, we opened our laptop and started researching on accommodation, places of attraction in Kuantan etc..

The next day, we set off from Mersing at 11:00AM.

Halfway through our journey, dear brought me to enjoy some sea breeze again.

We then took a short break at the little eatery area near the beach. We didn't have lunch though; just drinks.

Shortly after, we continued our journey to Kuantan. Due to some light drizzle, we stopped by a shelter by the side of the road. Within 5 minutes or so, the rain stopped and we went on our way.

Before that, dear decided to bring me to another place to explore and look see. On our way to the waypoint, we actually encountered a group of cows on the road! Hahaha! Fortunately some honking does help to shoo the cows away.

When we finally reached, it was nothing much to see, except a rundown jetty and some food stalls nearby. Dear was famished, and so he ate his lunch there. Since I didn't have any appetite, I decided to skip lunch, till I'm hungry later.

Finally, we arrived at our destination in Kuantan – Mega View Hotel!

I was actually very impressed with the river view beside the hotel. It speaks everything about serenity and tranquility.

After we've settled down, dear and I decided to have my lunch at Old Town White Coffee in the close vicinity, before heading to Sungai Pandan Waterfall.

There, I ordered their recommended Chicken Ipoh Hor Fun. Gosh it tasted so good! The soup base was tasty, the noodles were bouncy and smooth; everything was delicious!

After lunch, we took a short ride of about 15 to 20 minutes to Sungai Pandan Waterfall. Little did we know that there was an entrance fee of RM 5.00 that we had to pay.

We soon arrived a bridge that spanned across the waterfall. Having a phobia of heights, it took me quite a well to walk across the bridge! Sheesh!

See how long it actually is? Somehow, I was reminded of the show King Kong when I see this. Hmmmm...

We then took a picture with the waterfall as the backdrop. It was difficult because the sun rays were too bright, and it would result in ourselves looking underexposed.

It was only after a while, when the sun hid behind the clouds, that we quickly snapped a picture of ourselves.

Incidentally, dear has some creativity in his shots, and ended up taking the picture as shown above. I really like it!

Here's the waterfall in its full splendor and beauty. Apparently, many locals come here for a bath or a swim. Quite a family oriented place I must say.

For dinner, we decided to visit one of their Shopping Malls. So we headed to the nearest, as directed by dear's GPS.

Since we wanted some noodles, dear and I went to Noodle House for dinner. I ordered Egg With Pork Slice with Noodle Soup.

If you'd asked me, I would shake my head at this dish.

Dear had some Fried Dumpling Dry Noodle With Fishball. He said that it tasted "ok!"

As for dessert, we ordered Berry Chocolate for RM 2.00.
Finally after dinner, dear went to get his haircut and I went to shop around.

At about 9:30PM, we went back to our hotel.

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17 Feb 2010: Mersing

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