
CNY 2010 Day Two


This year, unlike other years, dear and I were invited to our boss's place for Chinese New Year. So after a quick dinner at my grandma's place, we rushed over to their place and arrived at about close to 9:00PM

There you go! Aren't they a loving couple? Hehehe! That's boss and lady boss.

The other adults, who are close friends of my boss's family were hooked onto Wii Golf. Haha! They are a funny bunch of people.

Took a group shot before the Lou Hei started. For those who don't know what Lou Hei means, here's a definition from Wiki:

Yusheng , yee sang or yuu sahng (simplified Chinese: 鱼生; pinyin: yúshēng), also known as lo hei (Cantonese for 撈起 or 捞起) is a Teochew-style raw fish salad. It usually consists of strips of raw fish (most commonly salmon), mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments, among other ingredients. Yusheng literally means "raw fish" but since "fish (鱼)" is commonly conflated with its homophone "abundance (余)", Yúshēng (鱼生) is interpreted as a homophone for Yúshēng (余升) meaning an increase in abundance. Therefore, yusheng is considered a symbol of abundance, prosperity and vigor.

As usual, I was more interested in taking pictures than doing the lou hei itself.

But it does make me wonder though. What happens when my generation grows up. Will we still practice such traditions? Will we know what words to say during lou hei?

Hmm. It's quite a thought provoking Chinese New Year this year.

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