
CNY 2010 Day Three


Usually on the third day of Chinese New Year, dear and I would be doing house visitations at our church mates or our friends house.

This year was no exception. But what made it more interesting was that dear, myself, and our friends visited the River Ang Pao at night. For dear and I, it was our first time, and we honestly didn't know what to expect.

Upon arrival, we were welcomed by a small amusement park and a huge crowd of people, Walking further, we soon found ourselves by the riverside with lots of chinese exhibitions and stalls selling souveniers, merchandise, and food.

Though dear and I do not like crowds, we manage to enjoy ourselves and experience the mood of Chinese New Year.

Anyhow, the exhibitions are pretty much about the twelve chinese zodiac, which was already all too familiar to me.

What made me interested and intrigued was that the new amusement park "game" (as shown from above) consists of children situated in inflatable balls and rolling about the water. Very interesting!

Well, it certainly was a good and memorable experience at River Ang Bao!

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