Take for example today, he gave me a face and my mind immediately registered it as ANGER. (If you look at the expressions above, it's the one in the middle hehe!)
But a few seconds later, he started smiling and joking around, and admittedly, I was unsure of how I should react.
So I asked "Hey! What's with face (Face in the middle as from above)? I thought you're angry! You look angry!"
He gave me the same look (yes the same one in the middle) and said, "This is my normal look!"
I burst out laughing and exclaiming "But that's the same look as you are angry, or bored! How would I know then?"
He didn't give a direct or clear cut answer. But it was something along of the lines of 'focusing on the tilt of the ends of his mouth' and some sort of telepathy. Oh. And the Aura.
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