
The Lesson On Daily Cleaner


It has been some time since I switched over to Extended Wear Contact Lens and to be honest, I'm not having a good time with it.

No, it's not because the Contact Lens are lousy, in fact, the technology behind these lenses would be perfect for everyone in an ideal world.

But in reality, everyone's eye is different; each has its own sensitivity.

So anyway, the past few weeks I've been experiencing intermittent "blurred vision" in my right eye. In the day, it irritates the hell out of me and in order to "clear" my vision, I frequently remove my right contact lens and wash it with a 3 in 1 Contact Lens Multi Purpose Solution (those you find off the shelf). As a result of removing and putting in my contact lens so frequently, my right eye gets even more irritated.

After much frustration I have with my right eye, I decided to wear my previous lenses (the ones that are not for extended wear) and to my surprise, it feels so comfortable and sad to say.. familiar.

Puzzled and perturbed, I decided to head down to my optometrist to find out what's wrong. She checked my eyes, and with a pair of forceps, took out my Extended Wear Contact Lenses and looked at it under some special light:

Aha! She pointed out to me that my Extended Wear Contact Lenses are hazy because of the protein that build up while I sleep with my lenses.

In my defense, I told her that I do wash my lenses with the Multi Purpose Contact Lens Solution (those that I have been using for the past years) and rub my Contact Lens while cleaning it too.

Apparently, she mentioned that those Multi Purpose Solution isn't good enough. It's like having a coffee stain on your shirt and using normal hand soap to wash instead it of detergent.

So with her advice, I purchased a bottle of Bausch & Lomb Daily Cleaner (about $6.00 plus). I was told to just drip one drop of cleaner on one side of the contact lens, rub, flip it over, drip one drop of cleaner, rub, and WASH WITH SALINE SOLUTION or the Multi Purpose Contact Lens Solution.

Boy I was ashamed. Being a person who has 9 years of Contact Lens history, I am taught of how to wash my lenses CORRECTLY!

Well, better late than never.

That said, the next few days I am going to wear plenty of spectacles to allow my eyes to rest and heal. I'll probably wear contact lens when I need to ride. Thereafter, I'll take them off and clean them and put on my spectacles again.

I hope my experience would be helpful to all Contact Lens wearers out there. Remember, use a daily cleaner and keep your eyes healthy!

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