
Recovery In Progress


It was just one of those mornings, when I woke up with a dull and constant headache, where my bones refused to cause any movement, and my muscles were as tight as a rock.

The body and head aches were painful, and getting out of bed was a chore. Even the faint sun rays that were filtered from my blinds seem to be piercing through my eyes.

I notified my employer of my condition, and visited the doctor downstairs after dragging myself out of bed. He gave a brief diagnosis, blaming the weather, the sun, the heat, lack or rest yada yada..

I headed back home, took my medicine and slept. Being home alone was peaceful and surreal. Under such conditions, recovery was on its way.

Dear came by after work to check on me, and provided some company and comfort. Mom boiled some bird nest soup as well. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence, but it was a really a health booster.

Well, with all the birds nest and company, it looks like I should be recovered in no time!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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