
Phuket Trip (Day 3 - Phuket)


Because we only had 2 full days in Phuket, we decided to cram it with activities! So the day before, we signed up for a package that included Fish Spa, ATV, Flying Fox, and White Water Rafting. It was 2400 THB (if I remember correctly), but after discount, we bought the package at about 1500 THB.

Our first stop was the Fish Spa. Since I am a ticklish person, I couldn't resist laughing and flinching each time the fishes came near! Dear was more gungho, and after a few laughs, he got used to the sensation.

Next up was ATV (All Terrain Vehicle). At this activity, the guys started unleashing their testosterone and got all excited with the ATVs.

I felt it was heavy (at least heavier than my Phantom) and hard to maneuver, so I took it slow and easy. Well, not that slow, but slow enough to smile at the camera.

Surprisingly, we had a complimentary Ox Cart Ride. Honestly, I thought it was harmless as the oxen looked dull and slow in movement. To my dismay, it was actually very bumpy and since I hate to feel insecure and not be in control of my balance, you can imagine I was screaming each time the oxen chugged on port holes, ditches, and bumps!

Well, photo taking with the bull was also complimentary. Do note that my right foot never left the stool!

We were then ushered to watch a Monkey show. Honestly, I wasn't too please at how the trainer pulled the rope that was tied around the monkey's neck. Didn't really enjoy it.

Next, we were driven by a mini van to the next destination for our Water Rafting and Flying Fox activity.

Admittedly, my heart was thumping with excitement and fear because the White Water Raft seems quite dangerous. But boy I was actually enjoying myself!

Nonetheless, it was really quite dangerous especially when the raft hit the rocks or hit some ditch. Thank God for keeping us safe!

The last activity was Flying Fox, and though my knees buckled at the sight of how high I was, I managed to complete this activity without screaming!

Ha ha! I was actually closing my eyes really tightly and clinging on to the rope desperately. I swear there were a few moments where I was hyperventilating!

Any how, we were sent back to our hotels by the agency and we took a bath before heading out for dinner.

As we walked along the streets of Phuket, dear bought a TUNA shirt that he simply loved. It was supposed to be PUMA! Ha ha ha! He bought it at 130 THB, which was about 6 SGD?

Too bad our luggage is confined within his bike box, if not I would have bought truck loads of stuff!

We met up with our friend Kmax and his wife, who were at Phuket for their Honey Moon. He introduced to us his agent, who offered us a discounted package for the Phi Phi Island Tour we picked.

Dear was obviously too engrossed playing with the owner's pet chicken!

Walking back to the hotel was quite a distance. We passed by several shops, restaurants and even spotted a Starbucks. There, I couldn't resist buying myself a Mocha Frappe.

Ahhh.. can't wait for the Phi Phi Island tour tomorrow!

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