
Laurent Bernard Chocolatier


I've been receiving some good news these days, and as such, I decided to bring dear out for a mini celebration.

Through some friends recommendation, I thought of giving Laurent Bernard Chocolatier a try because it was near our church (so we could drop by after our church meeting) and more importantly, we've never been to this place before!

The Pier Branch
The Pier at Robertson Quay 80
Mohammad Sultan Road #01-11
Singapore 239013

Telephone: +65 6235 9007
Fax: +65 6300 0691

I found the place quite interesting when we arrived. Somehow, the decor and interior reminded me of those you'll find in an Ikea Catalogue. Regardless, it exuberated a cosy vibe.

However, there are quite few seats inside where it is air-conditioned. So if you are thinking of coming in a large group, guess you'll have to be seated outside.

The Coupe Chocolate Chocolate ($14.00) that we ordered to share. As you can see, it is filled with Chocolate and Hazel Nut Ice Cream, Chocolate balls, Chocolate Syrup, Caramel coated Chocolate Wafers. Very chocolate-y indeed!

Dear and I thought of ordering another dessert to share, so I ordered the above. Not sure what it is called; I think Pleasure something ($9.00).

Any how this dessert is actually made up of thin chocolate strips with what I believe is hazelnut and chocolate cream beneath each strip. Of course, the base is some crusty biscuit.

But honestly after being surfeited with Chocolate from the Coupe Chocolate Chocolate, I had trouble eating the above after one or two bites. In fact, being lactose intolerant, I felt very bloated from all that chocolate cream that I felt like puking!

Nonetheless, I was still able to drink the Banana Smoothie ($9.00)that we ordered earlier on. Interestingly, I thought it tasted like banana (as opposed to some shops which mix the banana with other queer flavors making it taste less of banana).

Here's us, smiling away in our own celebratory mood and at the enjoyment of each other's company.

Hmm, I think I'll probably return to try out other beverages (that are less chocolate-y). But if you'd ask me, I rather return to the regular Starbucks or Coffee Bean for more affordable beverages and pastries.

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