
Making Some Progress


When I first started blogging four years ago, I honestly didn't think that anyone would want to read the nonsense and rantings of a rebellious, incoherent teenager. After all, I am neither famous nor popular, and probably not well liked by some as well.

Little did I know that some of my friends (yes, you!) and other random people have been reading my blog all this while, and have even commented that I have encouraged or impacted them in one way or another. For that, I thank you for your support and kind words. Those are indeed little encouragements for me to continue blogging.

Recently, I've even come to realize that this blog has even generated some earnings (though not much), which really caught me by surprise because as I've mentioned, I didn't expect anything out from this blog. So yes, I am very happy, and am even more motivated to write better things (if I ever have any) that might interest you readers!

Now let me start cracking my brain juice to think of something exciting in the next post.. Hmmm.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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