
Saturday Love


Tell me, who doesn't love the weekends? Unless you're one of those that work on Saturdays or Sundays, most people will tell you how much they look forward to these two days of the week.

I am no exception! And since I've completed my examinations some time this week, spending time with dear and friends on the weekends are probably the best way to enjoy my weekends.

But before we met up with our friends, dear and I did some 'electronics' shopping at FUNAN. Thanks to dear, I walked out of Challenger in Funan a very happy lady because he bought me a Mouse, USB Hub, Telephone for my room. :D

After which, we proceeded to The Central to meet up Zack and Jo. So four of us chatted by the Singapore River and watched the fireworks from National Day's Rehearsal light up in the sky.

At about 8 plus, we settled at The Coffee Connoisseur for dinner as they had a Buy 1 get 2 free promotion.

So basically, buying 1 main course would get you 1 main course (of the same value or lower) and one premium coffee and tea free. Now with a promotion like that, of course dear and I tried their most expensive dish - Beef Steak On Crispy Puff Pastry. Though I wasn't really a fan of Red Meat, I must say that I like that dish a lot. The meat was not too hard, and the sweetness of the pastry complemented the steak wonderfully.

Unfortunately, our friends had to leave earlier and dear and I decided to try out Sugar Granny Cafe since we were nearby. When we arrived, I felt a sense of cosiness immediately. In my opinion, I thought it felt like the more modernized Ya Kun, with little ornaments of our past history. In fact, you can find a Vespa in the cafe itself, along with old posters, an old calendar etc.

Without further ado, we ordered a Sticky Muah Chee ($1.50), which really brings back memories because this is one dessert that I used to eat when I was young.

For beverages, I ordered Lychee Ice Swirl ($2.50) which is fantastic! The lychee, jelly, and soursop really blends well with each other, and is especially perfect for a hot day!

Dear was much more adventurous, and ordered the Durian Smoothie ($2.50) which tasted HEAVENLY! It felt literally like liquified cold durian melting in your mouth and down your throat. Awesome drink indeed!

And for the last dish, we ordered Granny's Debone Chicken ($3.00). Despite removing the bone, the chicken wings look larger than normal, and the oh the meat was so chewy and tender beneath the crispy skin. Not forgetting the chilli, which tasted like Mcdonald's garlic chilli but much more spicy and delicious!

Ahhh.. Life with friends, love one, and good food is indeed the best way to spend the weekends!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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