A Chef In The Making


Being born in a traditional chinese and cantonese family, I was taught that women should take on the role of a housewife - doing housework, cooking for the family, and procreating.

While I disagree with the whole housewife notion, I agree that modern day women should still take on the role of knowing and doing at least a bit of housework (enough to keep the house clean), having some culinary skills (other than cooking maggie mee), and well.. procreating if one wants and can afford to.

Well for housework, it was fortunate that I started young. Since primary school, mom taught me how to make the bed, clean the floors either by vacuum or magic mop (I suck at mopping but dear does it pretty well .. so phew!), hang the clothes, fold the clothes, iron some clothes.. etc. This got so ingrained into me that each time I step into the boyfriend's room, it's an automatic response for me to pack up, clean the floor, make the bed.. you get what I mean.

As for culinary skills, I'm ashamed to admit that I have no skills whatsoever - except to toast the bread, make hard boiled eggs, and cook maggie mee. I did however, experiment with something simple dishes like Egg Soup, Laksa (from a pre-mix) and several batches of cookies which all of them turned out pretty well surprisingly.

That said, I frequently procrastinated and told myself that "Wait till I'm married then I'll learn how to cook." After all, even if I wanted to learn, I was not allowed to cook in my own kitchen because firstly, that's mom's territory. Secondly and most importantly, she's afraid that I might burn her kitchen down.

So that is left as that.

Then suddenly out of the blue, dear gets all hyped up about cooking, pays attention to our friend (who cooks really well), and even helps our friend out while he's cooking, just so that he can learn a thing or two or perhaps spy on some recipes.

Having rubbed off some culinary excitement and enthusiasm from our friend, dear then helps out his mom at home while she prepares to cook.

That's when it dawned upon me that I might not need to learn how to cook after all!

In fact, this would more or less define our roles in the future - dear cooking while I wash the dishes, he mopping the floor while I stick to sweeping and vacuuming, he washing the toilet while I clean everywhere else (I really hate cleaning the toilets. He on the contrary, likes to do it). A perfect complement or what!

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