
Lessons From My Sena


Ever since the BF bought me a Sena SMH 10, my riding journeys have been filled with songs, phone conversations, intercoms, and even astonishing tasks like sending an sms, or listening to new text messages via Siri.

In short, the introduction of the Sena SMH 10 was PERFECT. I loved it, and cannot imagine my riding journeys without it.

But recently, my Sena - one of my favorite gadgets - spoilt due to (what I think is caused by) the accumulated pressure on the tab after all the putting in and taking out of the Sena from the mount.

The BF who is a firm believer of taking extremely good care of things, also took in my view, that it was a "weak point" and would eventually give way after prolonged usage.

(Photo taken from here)

So for the past few weeks, I have been riding without my Sena and BOY IT IS SADDENING. No more music, phone conversations, and INTERCOMS WITH HIM!

Fortunately, these dreadful riding journeys without my Sena, and especially without intercom-ing with dear gets by with my telepathic interpretations of his expressions, albeit partially hidden behind his helmet:

This is his "eh?" look, followed by the raising of one of his eyebrows or the tired / bored eyes; depending on his mood. 

I'm quite certain that this is his "eh faster take the photo and get back on the bike" look. 

PS: I got the hint from his cold stare   

(Photo taken from here)

But seriously, riding without my Sena sucks.

Apart from the sounds of the wind blast and the thumping sounds of my motorcycle engine, all I hear now is silence, horns, traffic noise and if I listen hard enough, probably the sound of my weeping heart. Ok I'm being overdramatic.

In fact, sometimes I'm so tempted to just tape my Sena on my helmet with the stickiest and strongest duct tape possible. I know it looks ugly, but hey, whatever works right?

So all this while, I have been discontented until recently, I started getting used to the quietness in my helmet. 

Suddenly, the thoughts in my head become loud and clear, and I start to appreciate the nice bassy thumps of my engine. 

Yeah, life without the Sena sucks. But I guess that sometimes, it is not that bad to listen to myself, the road, my bike, and appreciate the ride for what it truly is. 

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