
Of Dreams & Ambitions


It's funny how the ambition I had when I was a little girl was to become an SIA (Singapore Air) Stewardess. I'm not sure why I had this ambition, but I am sure that one of the main reasons was because they all looked pretty and slim, and back at that time, every little girl's dream was to be pretty and slim.

Ok not all, maybe it's just me.

Then when I proceeded on to secondary school, the whole Air Stewardessss dream evolved into becoming an Army Officer so that I could get some sort of thwarted euphoria from giving those NS guys intense physical training on top of their already bashed ego and inferiority complex when they realized their officer is a female that is not to be messed with. I guess that whole perverse thought derived
from the strenuous table tennis training I had in secondary school.

Fortunately when I went on to college, my femininity got the better of me and that military dream transformed to being a doctor or surgeon. Part of the reason was due to the increase in medical drama shows that I have been watching, that sparked my interest in human anatomy. And because of this, I made a wrong decision by taking Biology - a subject that I have never taken in my entire life, hoping that it would probably, lend me in Medical School if I did well.

Lo and behold, I did terribly for my A levels and it landed me nowhere.

So now, I am left thinking of the possible jobs that I might be doing in the future. Perhaps, an entrepreneur, or climb the corporate ladder, or even heed the advice of most and catch up on my Grade 8 theory in Piano so that I can start teaching piano soon.

Sigh, the future really seems so vast, so bleak, so uncertain when I think about what it holds for me. But one thing I know for sure, the more I am uncertain, the more I trust in Him.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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