
Rabbit Orientation: Touch


It's been some time since Mocha has been with our family and step by step, I am trying to let it know that we humans, are not predators but rather, nice and kind people.

Like every other process which begins with baby steps, I have maintained at stroking its (Gee I still have no idea what gender it is!) furry head, and that's pretty much about it.

Then recently, dear came over and being a curious and inquisitive boy, he probably forgot that Mocha bites and went on to open the cage while Mocha was lying flat and being completely docile, stuck his hand in, stroke its head and went on stroking it further from its head to its body!

It was a huge accomplishment! I applauded dear's bravery and told him that I would never dare to do that!

But being all that 'adventurous', I decided to take a shot when dear left, leaving myself to the mercy of my rabbit's probable bites and lunges. However, Mocha didn't flinch, nor did it lunge aggressively at me. So for some time now, I have being petting Mocha, stroking its head, down to its body.
Well it looks like Mocha does enjoy it! :) Next up, learning to pick it up and check its gender! Oh man, I sure need dear's help with that. I'm terrified when Mocha lunges and grunts in fear! Pffttt!

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