
Turning Twenty-One


I finally turn 21 today.

In the eyes of the law, I am legal, I am an adult, and I am able to watch all the RA movies I want. (Ha! Kidding!) But in the eyes of my parents, I know I will always be their kid.

I remember how I've always anticipated for this day to come ever since the start of my teenage years.

Today, the day has finally come and contrary to how my other friends have celebrated their 21st birthday parties with extravagant parties in pubs, restaurants or hotels, I had my own mini birthday celebration at home.

Well you might think it's boring but I beg to differ. After all, I have resolved to do meaningful and fulfilling things to commemorate this day. I guess this year, I had this strong urge to do things a little different, with a touch of homeliness and love.

So instead of buying a cake, dear and I baked a cake together.

Instead of having dinner outside at a fancy restaurant, I had steamboat dinner at home, where Mom prepared the food and I contributed by doing the grocery shopping.

Instead of watching a movie outside, dear and I watched a movie at my place, while doing up the Spongebob Lego that Meldred gave.

See, the things I did today were priceless. After all, I feel that birthdays should be celebrated meaningfully and not just rushing through parties and be giddy with fun. Because when you do so, you get home exhausted and hardly can recall how you even spent the day.

I celebrated my 21st birthday in a relaxed mode. Time passed by slowly today and I enjoyed every moment of it.

Here are the train of events:

I received my last term's results the day before my birthday and I was really relieved to get A and B, because Business Law module was a tough one and it really drove me up the wall. Thank God for His wisdom! I felt that these results were a way to celebrate my birthday, somehow or another.

Among the items I bought during Grocery Shopping was these heart shaped balloons, which were intended to decorate my room to inject some birthday mood!

I made Patrick wear a Party hat and invited the rest of the Plush Toys to my mini birthday party!

When dear arrived in the afternoon after his work, I engaged him to start blowing the balloons because I am absolutely terrified of going near these unpredictable air filled things!

Then, we got down to baking my birthday cake. Thank God he has some baking experience, as so he says!

We are no pros because we used Betty Crocker's Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix which is pretty instant! Just add in 1 half cups of water, half cup of vegetable oil, and 3 eggs. Really simple!

The end product! I know it doesn't look appealing but it really smells and taste good!

Dear was so satisfied with himself that he kept smelling the cake and grinning at it from ear to ear.

We then did the Spongebob Lego that Meldred gave to me last Sunday. Thanks Meldred and Darren for the gift! I really love it!

That's us piecing up the lego! Brings back childhood memories indeed.

Cute characters of Patrick in the Krabby Mobile, Mr Krabs with his money, and Spongebob with Krabby Patties.

Finally, it is finished! The end product of our time and effort!

After the cake had cooled down, dear went on to smear the top of the cake with a thin layer of Hershey's syrup, because I insisted to. Then he decorated the cake with colourful M&M's to form the number 21 :)

Isn't this yummy or what? My 21st Birthday Cake!

Goofy birthday looks from the family! I love party hats and heart-shaped balloons! :D

Looks like everyone's busy! All except me.. busy taking photos!

Cam-whoring and resting after the Lego session and baking!

While waiting for the Steamboat to start, dear was hit with fatigue. Poor thing! Try working half the day, rushing to bake a cake followed by a Lego session, no wonder he concussed!

The 'special guest' had to say grace for the food!

Ah~ A sumptuous spread of food! We had so much food leftover that I suggested to mom that we could use the leftovers for Yong Tau Foo on Wednesday and Salmon Fillet with Noodles on Thursday!

A hearty meal with my family is priceless. Thanks mom for preparing all the food!

Sneak shots before calling the family in hehe! Our cake, made with tenderloving care and lots of love!

A group shot before the birthday song began. Ha! The corny me handed each one a party hat and a heart shaped balloon and made them wear the hat!

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to GRACE! Happy Birthday to you!"

Making a wish and then cutting the cake! On the side note, I have no idea what my brother was doing.

Introducing Ruby - the new addition to the Teddy family, a gift from my parents, along with 2 red packets and a necklace made of White Gold. Cool!

Haha this is dear playing with Ruby! Guess he's trying to drop me a hint through Ruby :D

At the end of the day, I was exhausted with euphoria and glee. I really had a great time with my loved ones and I really thank both my parents and dear for all the hard work and their presents!

Now that I'm 21, I'll probably like what Weston says "age like cheese!" from there after! Oh bother!

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